Monday, July 6, 2009



In the last sixty years the way of living has changed significantly due to the technological discoveries and the mass producion of electronic devices utilized. Throughout the years, the affordable price of such equipment made possible for most people, initially in the developed countries, to have at least one radio and a television set in each house.  At the beginning of the radio and television era there were only few broadcast stations which were normally state controlled.     That was the moment when the content of TV and radio programs were mainly based on political discurses, scheduled at timings when most people were supposed to be watching televisions or listening to the radios. On the other hand, the monopoly of state controlled assets did not allow to have a wide spectrum of ideas or opinions.  With the proliferation of tv/radio broadcasters there was a clear cultural change when almost every political party/ cultural movement understood the importance to enter “virtually” in many houses and to present their ideas/opinions. That was also the moment when those tools have started to be used as vectors to convey commercial advertisements.

It was at that stage that the competion among them  reached the peak and any broadcaster initiated to abandon the classic methodology and tried to catch spectators with different methods. Some started to show less dressed women, some  distribuing large sum of money with games, some with live sport events. Common for all was to give news in a sensational way, always more negative than positive ones. Political and cultural programs did not enjoy many spectactors and started to be scheduled  in hours considered not primary and seen by always less people. This was the time for a commercial televisions whose interests were based not on the quality of programs but on the percentage of people watching theirs programs. Accordingly, it started to gain importance how the people look  rather than the idea they express. Also the advent of Internet and other electronic devices contribuited to change significantly our daily life. Any kind of such equipment is capable to store a different level of information, included the ours.

Once I asked a teacher if all these devices (calculators, electronic agendas, etc…) could limit our ability to store information and learn formulas. The answer i received was strange but satisfied my doubt. He said that while we can get advance of such electronic devices, we do not need to spend a lot of energies to learn formulas or to remember information by hearth. With these savings we can use our mental capabilities to new discoveries and to utilize our brains in a more efficient way. The appearance of Internet has significantly changed our way of living more than anything else. Through the network we may satisfy most of our needs surfing the net. The quantity of information available is growing exponentially though the quality is not always satisfactory. However, if used cleverly it helps a lot, from any kind of shopping to booking hotels, from reading all kind of experts opinions to mainteining contact with people worldwide. Accordinly, anything you are looking for something you receive thousend of links and it is not easy to define which is the best unless you have a look to some of them.

Time is one of the worst enemy for many people, since the day hours can not be longer, many persons have changed their way of living. Most of the people today are exposed to a huge quantity of information on every media, television, radio, newpapers, magazines, interntet, etc…. what has become common for most of the people is to listen/read only headlines or introduction, conclusion and abstracts in the books. This process is closely monitored by media networks which try to adapt to the customer needs otherwise they will loose them.

Regarding Internet, it should be enphatized that not all that is available is positive. In the net there are many fraudolent web sites, normally camuflaged under different activities but conduct illegal ones, as an example pedophilies that try to engage with young people or exchange proibithed movies and photos having teens, or even younger, as main players. Also the way to communicate through internet or through mobile phones is changening our languages, specially to the young generations which are more exposed to these systems. 

In conclusion, the availabilty of new equipment, as it happens anytime there is a new technological development, is destinated to change our life. i am also sure that humans have a great attitude to adapt to changes. However, it is of utmost importance not to underestimate the danger that any system also represents, and national institution should always conduct awareness campaign to educate theyr own citizens, specially the youngers which are more exposed to and attracted  by new equipment. For the alter is also important the role of parents that have to supevision their children and have to verify the content of the websites their children normally visit.

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